B2B kundene følger i fotsporene til B2C forbrukeren og kjøper mer online enn noen gang. Der de forventer det samme intuitive brukeropplevelsen som de er vant til fra B2C, men med tilgang til alle avanserte B2B-funksjoner og forbedringer. Magento gjør det mulig for bedrifter å oppfylle disse forventningene med et enkelt brukergrensesnitt og full pakke med B2B-funksjonaliteter.
Magento er en
e-handelsplattform som har et rikt sett med funksjonaliteter for både B2B og B2C markedet
Vi hjelper bedrifter til å betjene sine kunder mer effektivt og lønnsomt, ved fullt ut å tilpasse og utnytte Magentos mange muligheter.
Custom Catalogs and Pricing Per Customer
Deliver contract pricing online with the ability to assign custom catalogs and price lists to customers.
Quote Request and Management
Customers have the ability to request a quote with ease, that can be edited by any authorized user.
Easy Ordering with Requisition Lists
Clients can create lists of frequently purchased products for a faster re-ordering experience.
Quick Order
Customers can quickly add products to their carts by entering their SKUs or by uploading a CSV file containing SKUs and quantities.
Independent Account Management
Corporate buyers are able to manage their own accounts with Self-service Account Tool.
Credit Purchases for B2B Clients
Offer payment on credit as payment option and manage company credit in the Magento Admin
Advanced Analytics and Reporting
Dynamic and user-friendly reporting module allows merchants to build dashboards with valuable data and KPIs.
Better Integration with ERP Systems
With new APIs there are new third-party integration points that improve compatibility with other ERP or CRM systems.
Bestill en gratis konsultasjon med en Magento spesialist fra YDP. Vi vil gå gjennom funksjonene og mulighetene til denne løsningen, og diskutere hvordan den kan passe inn i dine E-handels planer og virksomhet.
Hvorfor Magento?
Vi bruker Magento til å skape funksjonsrike B2B handelsportaler, for å kunne samkjøre leverandører, produsenter, grossister og deres datterselskaper, innenfor en sentralisert plattform. Den store fleksibiliteten i dette systemet gjør at den kan brukes av nesten samtlige industrier.
Design & UX
We work with our clients from idea conception to ongoing design driven optimization to ensure every ecommerce project is a success.
Custom Features
By extending and customizing Magento Commerce we create award-winning ecommerce sites, tailored to your enterprise, that fuel business growth.
Seamless Integrations
Seamlessly integrating your systems (ERP, CRM, PIM etc) to ensure smooth business operations and provide you with all possible tools needed to achieve your business goals.
Don’t fear replacing outdated B2B solutions. Our experience and expertise in B2B ecommerce ensure effortless migration while minimizing the risk.
Support & Improvement
We continually evaluate your site for potential improvements, and to keep up with your business initiatives and goals, and, when it’s time to take the next step, we’re here to help you grow.